And yet why are the unifications given such import? Since the existence of the worlds is only like a drop in the ocean compared to G-d's Infinite Light. And even the Adam Kadmon [the primordial "spiritual blueprint" of the worlds] which is the head of all the worlds and contains them all - exists as a result of a great contraction of the Infinite Light and this is the Cleared Away Space discussed in the Etz Chaim [fundamentals of Lurianic Kabbala] that the Light ascended and left only an Imprint which became the root of the root of Adam Kadmon...until the Sephirot known as Father and Mother, Emotional Attributes and Kingdom come into being...and these are in comparison to the Infinite Light less than as a drop in the ocean...So our main objective should be the Infinte Light itself...and yet we are occupying all our time with the small drop...Also what do we mean by uniting the Holy One and His Divine Presence since both these are merely different names for G-d?...
The ocean is large and I can calculate how many drops it has it, it's a large number but it's finite. In mathermatics it's considered a relatively small number. It's not as much as 10 to the 21st power, much less. Someone once made a calculation, which has never been proven, of the number of particles in the universe. In mathematics we're used to dealing with larger numbers. But in comparison to infinity all amounts are like zero.
When the sephirot unite there are new combinations of creations, and greater lights. But these are mere crumbs. Each one has its beauty, but really we should have spent our time thinking about the original root of everything, the Infinite Light itself, and not these "side issues". A male zebra and female zebra also have the power to form offspring, new combinations, but this can't be our true concern. Also, how can we unite these different names of G-d? If the Divine Presence was some beautiful matron then we could understand - but in fact this is just another name for G-d.
The answer to all these questions is that the sephirot are expressions for the Infinite Light and it is this Light that is revealed in them. The name of the Sephira or Divine Attribute is a description of the way in which the Infinite Light reveals itself in it....
Unifications signify the literal coupling of two entities, two individual attributes. But as Rav Steinsaltz points out there must be something much more significant about the reproduction of the sephirot that sets it apart from reproduction here in the physical world of two zebras. The difference is that the sephirot can serve as vessels in which the Infinite Light dwells in a revealed manner. This intermediate stage between Infinity and Finitude serves as the breeding ground for new light to enter the world.
(The text in italics are the words of Derech Mitzvosecha by the third
Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek. The bolded words are Rabbi Adin
Steinsaltz's commentary as heard on his shiurim on The
rest is my commentary. All rights reserved to Rabbi Steinsaltz. Pictures courtesy of Moshe Schlass.)
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