Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A Summary of Unifications - An Electrician's Perspective (Unit 3 Unifications Ch. 7, Ch. 10 in DM)

In the Emotional Attributes the Infinite Light shines in a more revealed manner...and in the Divine Presence, the Light is more contracted...a contraction of the light to give life to individual limited creations ...that is called the Divine Speech and the Divine Presence that dwells and garments itself in the lower worlds. The Infinite Light in the Emotional Attributes is called the Holy One Blessed Be He since He is holy and aloof from this garment. But He is also drawn down to illuminate openly...

This is about the flow of energy from here to there...The Divine Presence is necessary for creating the bounded worlds in which we live so you need a Speech, or Name that will give them a defined shape and structure. On the other hand we don't just want the contraction and limitation but also a generous flow of abundance into the worlds. And this is the unification...

When I take an electric appliance and plug it into the wall or to connect one red wire to another red wire. It's obvious that I'm not interested in the connection of these two wires, but I'm interested in the electric flow that will result. I'm also concerned that it shouldn't burn out the device that's receiving the flow.  There are high voltage electric wires on electric poles. What do I need the whole series of wires that lead the electricity into my electric outlet? I could theoretically plug a fan directly into one of these high current wires but in that way I would burn out not just one fan but many fans or even a whole house.

I can use the electricity that's in the high voltage wire when it comes into my outlet, after a series of reductions.  Then, I can use it for a flashlight or a clock or some other small device. I don't usually sit and explain that it's my intention for the flow of electricity that is in these wires. And the connecting of the wires is the outcome of my desire. When I tell you to connect these two wires and devices I'm just telling you the external mechanics...

The same is with the unifying of Divine Attributes. We desire that Attribute A will couple to Attribute B in a way that will generate a flow and not burn out any worlds...

Unifications are about generating a flow that creates healthy results. Relationships between people are also primarily about the flow of energy that brings about offspring and generates new warmth and light for the world. A healthy and lasting relationship is a part of a big network of energy flow and not about the individuals involved.

(The text in italics are the words of Derech Mitzvosecha by the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek. The bolded words are Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's commentary as heard on his shiurim on The rest is my commentary. All rights reserved to Rabbi Steinsaltz. Pictures courtesy of Moshe Schlass.)

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